PTP Resistance Bands are excellent for making sure you never miss a workout no matter where you are.
That's why we've instructed the expertise of Personal Trainer Barry O'Neill, of Bonco Wellness, to show us a simple and easy-to-do PTP Resistance Bands Home Workout.
This workout is broken into various exercises using the PTP Total Resistance System Multipack, allowing you to do virtually any exercise you can think of.
And the best thing is you never have to leave your home.
Why not check out the full YouTube Workout Video HERE.
Take it away, Barry.
"Hi guys, today I want to go through a full body home workout using the PTP power tubes or resistance bands.
"There will be eight different exercises and we will just stick with the 10 repetitions, three sets for today.
"And you adjust the resistance of each exercise to suit your needs. So give it a go. And hopefully you'll enjoy it."
"The PTP power tubes are the best I've seen. They come with five different resistance straps of different strengths. So you can cater to everyone's needs from beginner to advanced.
"They also come with a load of different attachments - straps, some handles, door straps that you can attach the resistance tubes to for performing exercises such as rows etc and also this handy little travel bag all this equipment will fit into nice and neatly.
"You can just strap it up and away you go bring it wherever you go. So, no excuses not to have your little home gym.
"One of the main reasons I like using these PTP tubes is because of the number of exercises that can be performed with the little booklet that also comes with the tubes or the resistance bands.
"There are hundreds of exercises demonstrated in this little booklet. There are several workouts, such as Pilate’s workouts and a breakdown of different body parts exercises.
"So, shoulders, legs, chest, arms, all available."
"I have attached the door attachment to a closed door, connect the desired resistance strength tube to the strap and connect the handles to each side of the strap.
"Perform three sets of 10 repetitions, starting with your right foot forward or your left foot forward. Grab the straps, nice strong posture, chest up, and then we start to squeeze at the top and control the movement right back again.
"Use as much as your shoulder mobility will allow to go back as far as you can, then use the chest muscles - you can loosen the grip to use the chest muscles a little bit more.
"Concentrating on squeezing the chest and nice and slow and controlled right way back.
"Keep that posture stay strong in your posture at all times and try and focus on what muscle groups you're trying to work through."

"For this I have just doubled up the power.
"Drop the door strap down a little bit more and, same as every exercise, we’re keeping our posture as good as we can.
"We're using the back muscles here, so to start, move the desired distance away from the door to give you a little bit extra resistance on each of the repetitions.

"Make sure the grip is good and start by squeezing the shoulder blades together. Pause for a second and control the movement back up.
"As soon as you lose resistance, you go again.
"Chest is up, back is straight and your core is nice and firm. Again, we stick with the three sets of 10 repetitions."
"I have gone for the Midway resistance as I tried a heavier one thinking I was stronger than I was and it didn't work out.
"To start off connect the handles, stand with either one foot in the or sandwiched two feet in the middle and you can add resistance by just bringing your feet out a bit further.
"The key is the keep the distance even on both sides.

"Posture nice and tall, focusing on trying to have the arm fully straight at the bottom and fully contracted at the top.
"Keep the bicep contracted and control the movement down."
"I've gone for the red PTP powertubes here, so medium range or medium strength resistance, but again adjust the resistance as you need.
"To start off step into the powertubes with your feet about hip width apart and your palms facing forward.

"Then lift the hands up beside each shoulder - there's no need to push them up any higher - and hold that position.
"Focus on a deep squat and then you power up - so if we aim for one to three seconds into the squat and you can power up then."
"This time I've lightened the strength of the resistance band.
"I'm just going to step one foot in, so I'm splitting the stance for this exercise. Again, have an even support on right and left.

"Get a similar starting position to the squats, powering up and controlling the movement down.
"Force your muscles to work that little bit harder on each repetition. Rest for 30-60 seconds between each set."
"Here, we have set up the door strap again. I fed the grey power tube through the strap and doubled it to the door connection.
"It looks like a very simple, a very slight movement, but if you exaggerate the movement and just pause at the back of each movement, targeting the glute muscles, and you will know about it before too long.

"The burn is very good on these ones.
"So we started off resting my left hand against the side of the door or the wall. Pull out the leg, squeezing the glute, pause and release slowly."
"What I like to do is connect the bands to the top of the door and using the red resistance band I hold on to the strap just above the actual handle part.
"Keep the elbow in tight to the body and you can place your opposite hand on your opposite hip.

"When we start you want to really pull down, push the baby finger against the handle, so you're really pushing down and you're really trying to tense up the triceps muscle at the bottom of the movements.
"Squeeze that muscle and then control the movement back up until as soon as you lose resistance, you repeat.
"I love this exercise because it makes a big difference gives a big pump to the triceps muscles."
"Again, pick the desired resistance strength at the two handles on either side. Step one foot in between, right in the middle of your power tube.
"With the other foot, step two foot back and like to squat position, turn the hand in so the palms are facing forward.
"That's your starting position.

"From here you go up onto the toes on the back foot, drop down slightly touching the knee of the back leg onto the ground. Then you power up through the sole of the front foot.
"It's 10 repetitions on each side."
You will probably notice that you need to drop the strength of the resistance tube for these exercises.
Start off standing in the centre of your power tube or resistance band.
Split the stance, back is straight and upright and keep a nice grip on both hands.
Starting off with your hands done by your sides, raise both arms until they are parallel with the floor.
It's a great exercise for working on the shoulders but again, you will find you won't be able to lift as heavy or use as heavy as a resistance band for this exercise."

Thanks for reading this content and we hope you enjoyed this breakdown of a simple-to-do PTP Resistance Bands Home Workout.
Check out our full range of resistance bands right HERE or check them out below.