How To Find The Best Running Shoe | Elverys

How To Find The Best Running Shoe | Elverys

This guide will answer all the questions you asked on about how to find the best running shoe that will suit you needs.
7 min read

With the sun continuing to shine and the evenings getting longer, more people are getting out in the fresh air for walks and runs.

Many people are looking for expert advice to help them select the correct footwear and to find the best running shoe.

At Intersport Elverys, we asked our customers to send us their running and footwear questions.

Our running and footwear expert, Phil has answered some of the questions below, including tips on starting your running journey, injury issues, footwear recommendations and much more.

How to find the best running shoe: Beginners

Q. I want to know what I should consider, so that I can start running. What are the most important recommendations to take into account?

Phil: “Lace up a pair of running shoes and get out, putting one foot in front of the other.

“You can start off as a walk, work up to a walk/jog by intervals and increase it to more of a jog compared to running. A couch to 5km plan is a great way to start.”

Q. I would love to start running, however I don’t know were to start. Do you have any tips to begin?

Phil: “First thing you need is the correct pair of running footwear.

“If you are female, you also require a sports bra suitable for running.

“Set yourself a goal such as run a 5km in a couple months time. There are tonnes of apps you can get that will help you create a plan, based on your current level of fitness and what/when you want to achieve your goal.

“I’m personally using the Nike Run Club app, though there are many other ones available.”

Q. What are the best runners for walking/jogging?

Phil: “Check out our blog to find the best type of runner, which is best suited for you HERE.

Dealing With Specific Pains

Q. I think I have plantar fasciitis and it’s very painful. I walk about 5km a day. Is there any runners that you can recommend?

Phil: “It could be the case that you over pronate when you walk and are currently not getting enough support from your shoes.

“Check out our blog on selecting correct footwear for your foot type, but in the mean time spend some time each day massaging and stretching your planter fascia.

“There are plenty of demos how to do it on YouTube which are great and easy to follow.”

Q. Any tips on recovery from shin splints?

Phil: “Stretch each day, not just before running, can help the recovery process.”

Q. My hamstring can ache up into my glutes when I run. I have been stretching. Any advice?

Phil: “This can be as a result of a number of things. Aches and pains are not uncommon with beginners as their body adjusts to getting out running or if you have increased your distance recently.

“A common mistake people make when it comes to stretching for running is the type of stretching they do. You are best to do dynamic stretching and avoid static stretching.

“Check out YouTube for examples of what ones to do for running.”

Q. Just finished doing the couch to 5km and have serious hip pain. Any tips on how to help heal it?

Phil: “Yoga is a great form of exercise to help loosen up your body. It helps my lower back tremendously.

“Spend extra time on your warm up and warm down. As your distance increases, so should the time you spend on warming up and warming down.

“Our yoga expert, Roberta, has some great yoga poses for athletes and runners in this blog. “

Q. I tried to start jogging again recently (on the road not grass) but after a few minutes my shins felt like they were on fire. Can you recommend a good runner and any idea what the problem is?

Phil: “Running can be unforgiving at times and if you have had a long period of time away, it can take the body time to get used to running again.

“It wouldn’t be out of the ordinary to experience pain. If you are using an old pair of running footwear, the cushioning is possibly degraded over time from use and needs to be replaced.”

Q. I have fallen arches. What are the best running shoes?

Phil: “Check out this blog from Runners World with some expert advice.”

Q. I’m crippled with pain at front of both knees and tightness at the back. Any ideas, as I cannot run at all?

Phil: “Did this pain originate from running?

“If so it could be down to unsuitable footwear. Incorrect support can cause the body to be misaligned and put the body under extra stress.

“A lack of cushioning can increase the impact on joints.”

Q. I do a small amount of jogging, up to 10km. I’ve worn ASICS Keyano for the past six years or so but not the same pair. I’ve fallen arches and wear orthotics to correct them. I was recommended ASICS by a staff member in Intersport Elverys. I’ve always found them comfortable but would I be better off at this stage to be fitted again in the shop and see if there’s another brand that I should change to?

Phil: “Runners can spend years trying different types of running shoes and never find one that really works out how they’d like.

“When you fInd a pair of shoes that works for you, then I would often recommend to sticking with them – ‘If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’.

“Although, if you are really eager to try something from a different brand, like Brooks or Nike Running. Both are slightly wider fitting models and will have a different feel underfoot compared to the ASICS Gel Kayano but similar type of shoes.”

Q. Should running be avoided if there is any kind of knee pain or discomfort?

Phil: “It’s not uncommon to feel pain when you start as beginner or if you have recently increased your distance.

“You can normally run through this and the pain will go as your body gets use to it. If it is due to an injury, try to do low impact activities for a period of time like cycling or swimming and then building the running back up.”

Q. I have fallen arches and planter fasciitis. I walk about 10km a day. The last couple of days I can’t walk with the pain in my foot. What runners would you recommend?

Phil: “Firstly, spend time on stretching to help relive the tension, rolling a golf ball under the foot is a great simple way to massage it and there are many other examples you can find on YouTube.

“To prevent it, insure you are wearing the correct running shoes for your foot type, as people with fallen arch are normally recommend to use stability footwear to help support their arch.”

Product Recommendations And Tips

Q. What is the best way to break in a new pair of runners and how long do you need to wear them before running 10km in them?

Phil: “Most runners shouldn’t take really much to any time to break them in.

“I would generally wear them around the house for a few hours in the evening to make sure I’m generally happy with the fit.

“The first run is generally a short one, so that I can check to see if I need to change the tension in the laces and that should be enough.”

Q. Should women buy men’s runners (for wider fit)?

Phil: “Ideally women should wear women’s footwear as they have specially designed for a woman’s gait.

“Brands such Nike and Brooks have a wider first in compassion to ASICS, Adidas etc. It is possible to get wider version of certain models. If needed contact your local store or member of customer service.”

Q. What kind of footwear do you recommend for person on their feet 10 hours a day. Any tips to help with keeping runners clean due to sweaty feet?

Phil: “It’s worth investing in a shoe with extra cushioning for that increased comfort, particular those 10 hours days.

“Odour eater balls are a great way to keep your footwear fresh and any dirt you get on the shoes, wipe down with a damp cloth as soon as you can, as it is not recommend to put them in the washing machine.

“The washing machine can shorten the lifespan of the cushion and cause the upper to come away from the sole.”

Q. Best runner for heal spurs?

Phil: “Reducing the pressure on a heel spur will reduce the pain, so a shoe with extra cushioning will help.”

Q. I’ve plantar fasciitis and I wear ASICS kayano 21 as I’ve always worn ASICS. Since lock down I’ve not been able to buy a new pair as these are no longer available what is next to this style.

Phil: “The current model is the ASICS Gel Kayano 28.

Q. Nike Pegasus or ASICS for functional training /classes?

Phil: “A specific training shoe is best suited, as they are designed for multi-directional movement. Opposed to running shoes which are designed to simply go forward.”

Q. I can only wear one pair of runners. All others hurt my left foot and I’m terrified of buying a new pair so I’ve gotten insoles. Can they be used in the next pair? How long do insoles last?

Phil: “All depends on what type of insole you have. You got a pair of Footbalance insoles in your local Intersport Elverys store, then these can be transferred from shoe to shoe.

There is no exact timeline on how long they will last. The EVA cushioning will generally wear down over time like any form of cushion.

“If in doubt, drop into your local Intersport Elverys when stores reopen or contact customer service for more assistance.

“If the insoles are orthotics, that you got from a podiatrist, then it is recommended to use these in neutral running shoes.

“These insoles can last a number of years, but follow the advise of your podiatrist on the lifespan of the particular ones you have.”

Q. Are there specific blister socks that stop blisters occurring when you run?

Phil: “blister free socks can be a life saver, check them out on this link.”

How To Find The Best Running Shoe

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